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It is traditionally the responsibility of the editor-in-chief to tackle the 25 spread section of mugshots. Being as there are two of us this year, we decided I would dedicate my time to the people section while Emily continued helping groups and coordinating "normal" business. Each of the first year staffers were in charge of designing a rough draft of each side package, though I had to polish every single mod and in some cases I had to redesign the entire thing.


My second year on staff and first year as a part of the editorial board I had the privilege of being the business editor. I was in charge of handling the layout of the ad section containing upwards of ten spreads. Of the ad designs the staff had to design, there were only four done by other editors. Spending three deadline nights and weeks leading up to them slaving away on the ad section, counting and recounting the ads, verifying sizes, I was proud to have an entire section to be proud of and call my own.

I slaved over these pages for weeks on end, perfecting every little piece of each mod and every single student name.


One of my last jobs on staff that I took upon myself was to input the sports scores for 2017. Using an entire half day of school putting numbers on a spread according to over a dozen different emails, pdfs, and Microsoft Word documents from coaches who don't know what goes into the scores section was some of the first completely independent design and decision making I did. I chose where each sport would go and how many columns each would be and, though it may seem like a breeze, it was more difficult than I originally anticipated it to be.

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